Responseslink | top
The main goal of all WSGI middleware is return response corresponding to HTTP, resp. WSGI request. Responding in PoorWSGI is just like other knows frameworks.
Returning valueslink | top
Just valuelink | top
The easiest way is return string or bytes. String values are automatically
convert to bytes, because it's WSGI internal. HTTP Response is 200 OK with
text/html; character=utf-8"
content type and default X-Powered-By header.
@app.route('/some/path') def some_path(req): return 'This is content for some path'
This examples returns the same values.
@app.route('/other/path') def some_path(req): return b'This is content for some path'
Generatorlink | top
Second way is return generator. You can return any iterable object, but it must be always as first parameter, resp. that can't be tuple! See Returned parameters. Generator must always return bytes!
@app.route('/list/of/bytes') def list_of_bytes(req): return [b'Hello ', b'world!']
Or you can return any function which is generator.
@app.route('/generator/of/bytes') def generator_of_bytes(req): def generator(): for i in range(10): yield b'%d -> %x\n' % (i, i) return generator()
Or the handler could be generator.
@app.route('/generator/of/bytes') def generator_of_bytes(req): for i in range(10): yield b'%d -> %x\n' % (i, i)
Returned parameterslink | top
In fact, you can return more then one value. You can returned content type, headers and status code next parameters. Python return all parameters as one tuple. That is not need to append brackets around them.
@app.route('/text/message') def text_message(req): return "Hello world!", "text/plain"
The first argument can be still generator.
@app.route('/generator/of/bytes') def generator_of_bytes(req): def generator(): for i in range(10): yield b'%d -> %x\n' % (i, i) return generator(), "text/plain", () # empty headers
All values could looks like:
@app.route('/hello') def hello(req): return "Hello world!", "text/plain", ('X-Attribute', 'hello world'), HTTP_OK
Returning Responseslink | top
make responselink | top
Response are the base class fore returning values. In fact, from other values which are returned from request handlers are converted to Response object, via make_response function.
def make_response(data, content_type="text/html; character=utf-8", headers=None, status_code=HTTP_OK)
- data: str, bytes, dict, list, None or generator
Returned value as response body. Each type of data returns different response type:
str, bytes - Response
dict, list - JSONResponse
None - NoContentReponse
generator - GeneratorResponse
- content_type: str
header which is set, if this header is not set in headers.- headers: Headers, tuple, dict, ...
If is Headers instance, that be set (referer). Other types, are send to Headers constructor.
- status_code: int
HTTP status code, HTTP_OK is 200.
You can use headers instead of content_type argument.
@app.http_state(NOT_FOUND) def not_found(req, *_): return make_response(b'Page not Found', headers={"Content-Type": "text/plain"}, status_code=NOT_FOUND)
If you return just simple type, or tuple of arguments, PoorWSGI automatically call make_response function to create response for you.
@app.route("/json") def not_found(req): """Return JSONResponse""" return {"msg": "Message", "type": "object"} @app.route('/gone') def gone(req): """Return NoContentResponse""" return None, "", None, HTTP_GONE
Responselink | top
Response object is one of base element of WSGI application. Response is object which have full data, to return valid HTTP answer to client. Status code, text reason of status code, headers and body. That's all. All values returned from handlers is transform to Response object if it is possible. If handlers return valid Response it will be returns.
Response have some functionality, to be useful like write method, to appending
to body with auto-counting Content-Length
, or some headers additional work.
@app.route('/teapot') def teapot(req): return Response("I'm teapot :-)", content_type="text/plain", status_code=418)
There are some additional subclasses with special working.
JSONResponselink | top
There is JSONResponse class to fast way for returning JSON.
@app.route('/json') def teapot(req): return JSONReponse(status_code=418, message="I'm teapot :-)", numbers=list(range(5)))
This response returned these data with status code 418:
{ "message": "I\'m teapot :-)", "numbers": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }
Or you can simple return dictionary or list. It will be automatically convert to JSONResponse by make_response function. So it is similar to return text or bytes.
Be careful that your dict or list have to be convertible to JSON by json.dumps function.
@app.route('/dict') def get_dict(_): """Return dictionary""" return {"route": "/dict", "type": "dict"} @app.route('/list') def get_list(_): """Return list""" return [["key", "value"], ["route", "/list"], ["type", "list"]]
JSONGeneratorResponselink | top
There is JSONGeneratorResponse class too, which could return JSON, but it could accept generators as arrays. And of course, this response is returned by stream like GeneratorResponse, so data is not buffered in memmory if wsgi server don't do that.
@app.route('/json-generator') def teapot(req): return JSONGeneratorReponse(status_code=418, message="I'm teapot :-)", numbers=range(5))
This response returned these data with status code 418:
{ "message": "I\'m teapot :-)", "numbers": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }
FileResponselink | top
File response open the file and send it throw wsgi.filewrapper
, which could
be sendfile() call. See PEP 3333. Content type and length read from system.
@app.route('/favicon.ico') def favicon(req): return FileResponse("/favicon.ico")
GeneratorResponselink | top
Response which is use for generator values. Generator must return bytes, instead of strings! For string returned generator, use StrGeneratorResponse, which use generator for utf-8 encoding to bytes.
NoContentResponselink | top
Sometimes you don't want to response payload. NoContentResponse has default code 204 No Content .
RedirectResponselink | top
Response with interface for more comfortable redirect response.
@app.route("/old/url") def old_url(req): return RedirectResponse("/new/url", True)
NotModifiedResponselink | top
NotModifiedResponse is base on NoContentResponse with status code 304 Bot Modified . You have to add some Not Modified header in headers parameters or as constructor argument.
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode from hashlib import md5 @app.route("/static/filename") def static_url(req): last_modified = int(getctime(req.document_root+"/filename")) weak = urlsafe_b64encode(md5(last_modified.to_bytes(4, "big")).digest()) etag = f'W/"{weak.decode()}"' if 'If-None-Match' in req.headers: if etag == req.headers.get('If-None-Match'): return NotModifiedResponse(etag=etag) if 'If-Modified-Since' in req.headers: if_modified = http_to_time(req.headers.get('If-Modified-Since')) if last_modified <= if_modified: return NotModifiedResponse(date=time_to_http()) return FileResponse(req.document_root+"/filename", headers={'ETag': etag})
Partial Contentlink | top
Sometimes, you want to return partial Content, which is typical reaction to Range headers. For that situations, there are parse_range function and make_partial Response method.
@app.route("/last/100/bytes") def last_bytes(req): response = Response(os.urandom(1000)) response.make_partial({None, 100}) return response @app.route("/var/log/messages") def messages(req): """Return parts defined in request Range header.""" response = FileResponse("/var/log/messages") if 'Range' in req.headers: ranges = parse_range(req.headers['Range']) if "bytes" in ranges: response.make_partial(ranges["bytes"]) return response
PartialResponselink | top
For special use cases, programmer have own mechanism to select range, for example, if units is not bytes. For that situations, there is PartialResponse, which is similar to Response, but it is 206 Partial Content
yet, and you have to use make_range
method to only create right Content-Range
@app.route("/some/range"): def some_range(req): """Return 100 unicodes with right Content-Range header.""" response = PartialResponse(''.join(random.choices("ěščřžýáíé", k=100))) response.make_range({100, 199}, "unicodes", 200) return response
Stopping handlerslink | top
HTTPExceptionlink | top
There is HTTPException class, based from Exception, which is used for stopping handler with right http status. There is possible two scenarios.
You want to stop with specific HTTP status code, and handler from application was used to generate right response.
@app.route("/some/url") def some_url(req): if req.is_xhr: raise HTTPException(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) return "Some message", "text/plain"
Or you would stop with specific response. Instead of status code, just use Response object.
@app.route("/other/url") def some_url(req): if req.is_xhr: error = Response(b'{"reason": "Ajax not suported"}', content_type="application/json", status_code=HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) raise HTTPException(error) return "Other message", "text/plain"
Additional functionality)
If status code is DECLINED
, that return nothing. That means, that no status
code, no headers, no response body. Just stop the request.
If status code is HTTP_NO_CONTENT
, that return NoContentResponse, so message
body is not send.
When the handler raise any other exception, that generate Internal Server Error status code.
Compatibilitylink | top
For compatibility with old PoorWSGI and other WSGI middleware, there are two functions.
Have the same interface as RedirectResponse, and only raise the HTTPException with RedirectResponse.
Have the same interface as HTTPException, and voila, it raise the HTTPException.
Routinglink | top
There are two ways how to set path handler. Via decorators of Application object, or method set_ where one of parameter is your handler. It is important how look your application. If your web project have one or a few files where your handlers are, it is good idea to use decorators. But if you have big project with more files, it could be difficult to load all files with decorated handlers. So that is right job for set_ methods in one file, like a route file or dispatch table.
Static Routinglink | top
There are method and decorator to set your function (handler) to response static
route. Application.set_route and Application.route. Both of them have tho
parametrs, first the required path like /some/path/for/you
and next method
flags, which is default METHOD_HEAD | METHOD_GET. There are other methods
in state module like METHOD_POST, METHOD_PUT etc. There is two special constants
METHOD_GET_POST which is HEAD | GET | POST, aned METHOD_ALL which is all
supported methods. If method does not match, but path is exist in internal
table, http state HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED is return.
@app.route('/some/path') def some_path(req): return 'Data of some path' def other_path(req): return 'Data of other path' app.set_route('/some/other/path', other_path, state.METHOD_GET_POST)
You pop from application table via method Application.pop_route, or get internal table via Application.routes property. Each path can have only one handler, but one handler can be use for more path.
Regular expression routeslink | top
As in other wsgi connectors, or frameworks if you want, there are way how to define routes with getting part of url path as parameter of handler. PoorWSGI call them regular expression routes. You can use it in nice human-readable form or in your own regular expressions. Basic use is define by group name.
# group regular expression @app.route('/user/<name>') def user_detail(req, name): return 'Name is %s' % name
There are use filters define by regular expression from table
Application.filters. This filter is use to transport to regular expression
define by group. Default filter is r'[^/]+'
with str convert function. You
can use any filter from table filters.
# group regular expression with filter @app.route('/<surname:word>/<age:int>') def surnames_by_age(req, surname, age): return 'Surname is: %s and age is: %d' % (surname, age)
Filter int is define by r'-?\d+'
with convert "function" int. So age must be
number and the input parameter is int instance.
There are predefined filters, for example: :int, :word, :re: and
none as default filter. Word is define as r'\w+'
regular expression,
and poorwsgi use re.U flag, so it match any Unicode string. That means UTF-8
string. For all filters see Application.filters property or /debug-info
You can get copy of filters table calling Application.filters property. And this filters table is output to debug-info page. Adding your own filter is possible with function set_filter with name, regular expression and convert function which is str by default. Next you can use this filter in group regular expression.
app.set_filter('email', r'[a-zA-Z\.\-]+@[a-zA-Z\.\-]+', str) @app.route('/user/<login:email>') def user_by_login(req, login): return 'Users email is %s' % login
In other way, you can use filters define by inline regular expression. That is
filter. This filter have regular expression which you write in, and
allways str convert function, so parametr is allways string.
@app.route('/<number:re:[a-fA-F\d]+>') def hex_number(req, number): return ('Number is %s that is %d so %x' % (number, int(number,16), int(number,16)))
Group naminglink | top
Group names must be unique in defined path. They are store in ordered dictionary, to do wrap by their convert functions. You can named them in route definition how you can, and they can't be named same in handler parameters, but they must be only in the same ordering. Be careful to named parameters in handler with some python keyword, like class for example. If you can, you can use python "varargs" syntax to get any count of parameters in your handler function.
@app.route('/test/<variable0>/<variable1>/<variable2>') def test_varargs(req, *args): return "Parse %d parameters %s" % (len(args), str(args))
At last future of regular expression routes is direct access to dictionary with req.groups variable. This variable is set from any regular expression route.
@app.route('/test/<variable0>/<variable1>/<variable2>') def test_varargs(req, *args): return "All input variables from url path: %s" % str(req.groups)
Regular expression routes as like static routes could be set with Application.route or Application.set_route methods. But internaly Application.regular_route or Application.set_regular_route is call. Same situation is with Application.pop_route and Application.pop_regular_route.
Other handlerslink | top
Default handlerlink | top
If no route is match, there are two ways which could occur. First is call default handler if method match of course. Default handler is set with default Application.decorator or Application.set_default method. Parameter is only method which is default in METHOD_HEAD | METHOD_GET too. Instead of route handlers, when method does not match, 404 error was returned.
So default handler is fallback with r'/.*'
regular expression. For example,
you can use is for any OPTIONS method.
@app.default(METHOD_OPTIONS): def default(req): return b'', '', {'Allow': 'OPTIONS', 'GET', 'HEAD'}
Be careful, default handler is call before 404 not found handler. When it is possible to serve request any other way, it will. For example if poor_DocumentRoot is set and PoorWSGI found the file, that will be send. Of course, internal file or dictionary handler is use only with METHOD_GET or METHOD_HEAD.
HTTP state handlerslink | top
There are some predefined HTTP state handlers, which are use when other HTTP state are raised via HTTPException or any other exception which ends with HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR status code.
You can redefined your own handlers for any combination of status code and method type like routes handlers. Response from these handlers are same as in route handlers.
Be sure, that some http_state handlers can add other keyword arguments.
@app.http_state(state.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) def page_not_found(req, *_): return "Your request %s not found." % req.path, "text/plain"
If your http state (error) handler was crashed with error, internal server error was return and right handler is called. If this your handler was crashed too, default poor WSGI internal server error handler is called.
Error handlerslink | top
In most cases, when exception was raised from your handler, Internal Server Error was returned from server. When you want to handle each type of exception, you can define your own error handler, which will be called instead of HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR state handler.
class MyValueError(ValueError) pass @app.error_handler(ValueError) def value_error(req, error): """This is called when value error was raised.""" return "Value Error: %s" % error, state.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST @app.route('/value/<value:int>') def value_handler(req, value) if value != 42: raise MyValueError("Not a valid value") return "Yep!"
Exception handlers are stored in OrderedDict, so exception type is checked in same order as you set error handlers. So you must define handler for base exception last.
Before and After responselink | top
PoorWSGI have too special list of handlers. First is iterate and call before each response. You can add function with Application.before_response and Application.after_response decorators or Application.add_before_response and Application.add_after_response methods. And there are Application.pop_before_response and Application.pop_after_response methods to remove handlers.
Before response handlers are called in order how was added to list. They don't return anything, resp. their return values are ignored. If they crash with error, internal_server_error was return and http state handler was called.
After response handlers are called in order how was added to list. If they crash with error, internal_server_error was return and http state handler is called, but all code from before response list and from route handler was called.
After response handler is call even if error handler, internal_server_error for example was called.
Before response handler must have request argument, but after response handler must have request and response argument.
@app.before_response() def before_each_response(request): ... @app.after_response() def after_each_response(request, response): ...
Filteringlink | top
TODO: How to write output filter, gzip for example....
WebSocketslink | top
WebSockets are not directly supported in PoorWSGI, but upgrade requests can be handled like other HTTP requests. See example which use uWsgi implementation or WSocket implementation.
Request variableslink | top
PoorWSGI has two extra classes for get arguments. From request path, typical for GET method and from request body, typical for POST method. This parsing is enabled by default, but you can configure with options.
Query argumentslink | top
Request query arguments are stored to Args class, define in poorwsgi.request module. Args is dict base class, with interface compatible methods getfirst and getlist. You can access to variables with args parameters at all time when poor_AutoArgs is set to On, which is default.
@app.route('/test/get') def test_get(req) name = req.args.getfirst('name') colors = req.args.getlist('color', func=int) return "Get arguments are %s" % str(req.args)
If no arguments are parsed, or if poor_AutoArgs is set to Off, req.args is EmptyForm instance, which is dict base class too with both of methods.
Form argumentslink | top
Request form arguments are stored in FieldStorage class, define in poorwsgi.fieldstorage module. This class is inspired by FieldStorage from legacy cgi module. Variables are parsed every time, when poor_AutoForm is set to On, which is default, request method is POST, PUT or PATCH and request mime type is one of Application.form_mime_types . You can call it on any other methods of course, but it must exist wsgi.input in request environment from wsgi server.
req.form instance is create with poor_KeepBlankValues and poor_StrictParsing variables as Args class is create, but FieldStorageParser have file_callback variable, which is configurable by Application.file_callback property.
@app.route('/test/post', methods = state.METHOD_GET_POST) def test_post(req) id = req.args.getfirst('id', 0, int) # id is get from request uri and it # is convert to number with zero # as default name = req.form.getfirst('name') colors = req.form.getlist('color', func=int) return "Post arguments for id are %s" % (id, str(req.args))
As like Args class, if poor_AutoForm is set to Off, or if method is no POST, PUT or PATCH, req.form is EmptyForm instance instead of FieldStorage.
JSON requestlink | top
In the first place JSON request are from AJAX. There are automatic JSON parsing in Request object, which parse request body to JSON variable. This parsing starts only when Application.auto_json variable is set to True (default) and if mime type of POST, PUT or PATCH request is application/json. Then request body is parsed to json property. You can configure JSON types via Application.json_mime_types property, which is list of request mime types.
import json @app.route('/test/json', methods=state.METHOD_POST | state.METHOD_PUT | state.METHOD_PATCH) def test_json(req): for key, val in req.json.items(): req.error_log('%s: %v' % (key, str(val))) res = Response(content_type='application/json') json.dump(res, {'Status': '200', 'Message': 'Ok'}) return res
JQuery AJAX request could look like this:
$.ajax({ url: '/test/json', type: 'put', accepts : {json: 'application/json', html: 'text/html'}, contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify({'test': 'Test message', 'count': 42, 'note': null}), success: function(data){ console.log(data); }, error: function(xhr, status, http_status){ console.error(status); console.error(http_status); } });
There are a few variants which req.json could be:
JsonDict when dictionary is parsed.
JsonList when list is parsed.
Other based types from json.loads function like str, int, float, bool or None.
None when parsing of JSON fails. That is logged with WARNING log level.
File uploadinglink | top
By default, FieldStorage store files somewhere to /tmp
directory. This is
happened in FieldStorageParser, which calls TemporaryFile
. Uploaded files
are accessible like another form variables, but.
Any variables from FieldStorage is accessible with __getitem__
So you can get variable by req.form[key]
, which gets FieldStorage
instance. This instance has some attributes, which you can test,
what type of variable is it.
@app.route('/test/upload', methods = state.METHOD_GET_POST) def test_upload(req): # store file from upload variable to my_file_storage file if 'upload' in req.form and req.form['upload'].filename: with open('my_file_storage', 'w+b') as f: f.write(req.form['upload']
Own file callbacklink | top
Sometimes, you want to use your own file_callback, because you don't want to use TemporaryFile as storage for this upload files. You can do it with simple adding class, which is io.FileIO class in Python 3.x. Next only set Application.file_callback property.
from poorwsgi import Application from io import FileIO app = Application('test') app.file_callback = FileIO
As you can see, this example works, but it is so bad solution of your problem. Little bit better solution will be, if you store files only if exist and only to special separate dictionary, which could be configurable. That you need use to factory to create file_callback. In next example is written own form processing, which is not important, when file_callback could be set via Application property.
from io import FileIO from os.path import exists from poorwsgi import Application, state, fieldstorage app = Application('test') class Storage(FileIO): def __init__(self, directory, filename): self.path = directory + '/' + filename if exists(self.path): raise Exception("File %s exist yet" % filename) super(Storage, self).__init__(self.path, 'w+b') class StorageFactory: def __init__(self, directory): = directory if not exists(directory): os.mkdir(directory) def create(self, filename): return Storage(, filename) # disable automatic request body parsing - IMPORTANT ! app.auto_form = False @app.before_response() def auto_form(req): """ Own implementation of req.form paring before any POST response with own file_callback. """ if req.method_number == state.METHOD_POST: factory = StorageFactory('./upload') try: parser = FieldStorageParser( req.input, req.heades, keep_blank_values=app.keep_blank_values, strict_parsing=app.strict_parsing, file_callback=factory.create) req.form = parser.parser() except Exception as e: req.log_error(e)
CachedInputlink | top
When HTTP Forms are base64 encoded, FieldStorageParser use readline on request
input file. This is not so optimal. So there is CachedInput class, which
is returned as wrapper around wsgi.input
Proccess variableslink | top
Here is appliation variables, which is used to confiure request processing, resp. which configure processing with request.
Application.auto_argslink | top
If auto_args is set to True
, which is default, Request object parse input
arguments from request uri at initialisation. There will be Request.args
property, which is instance of Args
class. If you want to off this
functionality, set this property to False
. If argument parsing is disabled,
will be instance of EmptyForm
with same interface and no
Application.auto_formlink | top
If auto_form is set to True
, which is default, Request object parse input
arguments from request body at initialisation when request type is POST, PUT
or PATCH. There will be Request.form
property which is instance of
class. If you want to off this functionality, set this property
to False
. If form parsing is disabled, or JSON is detected, Request.form
will be instance of EmptyForm
with same interface and no data.
Application.form_mime_typeslink | top
List of mime types, which is parsed as input form by FieldStorageParser
class. If input request does not have set one of these mime types, that form
will not be parsed.
Application.file_callbacklink | top
Class or function, which is used to store file from form. See own file callback for more details.
Application.auto_jsonlink | top
If it is True
, which is default, method is POST, PUT or PATCH and request
mime type is json, than Request object do automatic parsing request body to
dict property. If is disabled, or if form is detected, then
instance is set.
Application.json_mime_typeslink | top
List of mime types, which is paresed as json by json.loads
If input request does not have set one of these mime types, that
was not parsed.
Application.keep_blank_valueslink | top
This property is set for input parameters to automatically calling Args and
FieldStorageParser classes, when auto_args resp. auto_form is set. By default
this property is set to 0
. If it set to 1
, blank values should be
interpret as empty strings.
Application.strict_parsinglink | top
This property is set for input parameter to automatically calling Args and
FieldStorageParser classes. When auto_args resp. auto_form is set. By default
this variable is set to 0
. If is set to 1
, ValueError exception
could raise on parsing error. I'm sure, that you never want to set this
variable to 1
. If so, use it in your own parsing.
app.auto_form = False app.auto_args = False app.strict_parsing = 1 @app.before_response() def auto_form_and_args(req): """ This is own implementation of req.form and req.args paring """ try: req.args = request.Args(req, keep_blank_values=app.keep_blank_values, strict_parsing=app.strict_parsing) except Exception as e: loging.error("Bad request uri: %s", e) if req.method_number == state.METHOD_POST: try: parser = fieldstorage.FieldStorageParser( req.input, req.headers, keep_blank_values=app.keep_blank_values, strict_parsing=app.strict_parsing) req.form = parser.parse() except Exception as e: logging.error("Bad request body: %s", e)
Application.auto_cookieslink | top
When auto_cookies is set to True
, which is default, Request.cookies
property is set when request heades contains Cookie
header. Otherwise
empty tupple will be set.
Application / User optionslink | top
Like in mod_python Request, Poor WSGI Application have get_options method too.
This method return dictionary of application options or variables, which start
with app_
prefix. This prefix is cut from options names.
[uwsgi] # uwsgi config example ... env = app_db_file = mywebapp.db # variable is db_file env = app_tmp_path = tmp # variable is tmp_path env = app_templ = templ # variable is templ
And you can get these variables with get_options method:
config = app.get_options() @app.route('/options') def list_options(req): return ("%s = %s" % (key, val) in config.items())
Output of application url /options looks like:
db_file = mywebapp.db tmp_path = tmp templ = templ
You can store your variables to request object too. There are few reserved variables for you, which poorwsgi never use, and which are None by default:
req.user: | For user object, who is login, check_digest decorator set this variable. |
req.api: | For API checking. OpenAPIRequest use this variable. |
req.db: | For single database conection per request. You can store structure with more databases if you need to this vairable. |
req.app_: | As prefix for any your application variable. |
So if you want to add any other variable, be careful to named it.
Headers and Sessionslink | top
Request Headerslink | top
We talk about headers in a few paragraph before. Now is time to more information about that. Request object have headers_in attribute, which is instance of wshiref.headers.Headers. This headers contains request headers from client like in mod_python. You can read it as you can.
Next to it there are some Request properties, to get parset header values.
headers: | Full headers object. |
mime_type: | Return mime type part from |
charset: | Return charset part from |
content_length: | Return content length if |
accept: | List of |
accept_charset: | List of |
accept_encoding: | List of |
accept_language: | List of |
accept_html: | True if |
accept_xhtml: | True if |
accept_json: | True if |
is_xhr: | True if |
cookies: | Cooike object created from |
authorization: | Parsed |
referer: | Http referer from |
user_agent: | User's client from |
forwarded_for: | Value of |
forwarded_host: | Value of |
forwarded_proto: | Value of |
Response Headerslink | top
Response headers is the same Request.Headers class as in request object. But
you can create it. If you don't set header when you create Response object,
default X-Powered-By
header is set to "Poor WSGI for Python". The
and Content-Length
headers are append automatically.
All headers keys must be set once, except of Set-Cookie
, which could be set
more times.
@app.route('/some/path') def some_path(req): xparam = int(req.headers.get('X-Param', '0')) # res.headers will have X-Powered-By, Content-Type and Content-Length res = Response("O yea!", content_type="text/plain") # res.headers["S-Param"] = "00" by default res.add_header("S-Param", xparam*2) return res
Sessionslink | top
Like in mod_python, PoorSession is session class of PoorWSGI. It's
self-contained cookie which has data dictionary. Data are sent to client in
hidden, bzip2, base64 encoded format. PoorSession needs secret_key
which can be set by poor_SecretKey
environment variable to
Application.secret_key property.
from functools import wraps from os import urandom import logging as log from poorwsgi import Application, state, redirect from poorwsgi.session import PoorSession app = Application('test') app.secret_key = urandom(32) # random secret_key def check_login(fn): @wraps(fn) # using wraps make right/better /debug-info page def handler(req): cookie = PoorSession(app.secret_key) cookie.load() if "passwd" not in # expires or didn't set"Login cookie not found.") redirect("/login", message=b"Login required") return fn(req) return handler @app.route('/login', method=state.METHOD_GET_POST) def login(req): if req.method == 'POST': passwd = req.form.getfirst('passwd', func=str) if passwd != 'SecretPasswds':'Bad password') redirect('/login', text='Bad password') response = RedirectResponse("/private/path") cookie = PoorSession(app.secret_key)['passwd'] = passwd cookie.header(response) abort(response) return 'some html login form' @app.route('/private/path') @check_login def private_path(req): return 'Some private data' @app.route('/logout') def logout(req): response = RedirectResponse("/login") cookie = PoorSession(app.secret_key) cookie.destroy() cookie.header(response) return response
HTTP Digest Authlink | top
PoorWSGI supports HTTP Digest Authorization from version 2.3.x. Supported are:
MD5, MD5-sess, SHA-256, SHA-256-sess algorithm, MD5-sess is default
none or auth quality of protection (qop), auth is default
nonce value timeout, so new hash will be count every N seconds, 300 sec (5min) is default
header value from browser is not checked on server side now
Application settingslink | top
There are some application options, which are used for HTTP Authorization configuration.
secret_key: Secret Key is used for generating
value, which is server side token.auth_type: At this moment, only
value can be set.auth_algorithm: You can choose algorithm type for hash computing. But most browser understand only
, which is default.SHA256
is supported by PoorWSGI too.auth_qop: Only
is supported. You can switch off it, when you set it toNone
or empty string.auth_timeout: You can set timeout for
token, so browser must generate new hash values at least each timeout value.auth_map: Must be dictionary of dictionary of users digests. You can use PasswordMap, which has some additional methods for managing it, and save to / load from standard digest files.
from poorwsgi import Application app = Application(__name__) # secret key must set before auth_type app.secret_key = sha256(str(time()).encode()).hexdigest() app.auth_type = 'Digest' app.auth_map = PasswordMap('test.digest') app.auth_map.load() # load table from test.digest file
Usagelink | top
There is check_digest decorator, which can be used simply to check
header in client requests. Be careful to overriding default
HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED handler, which must return right WWW-Authenticate
when browser doesn't sent right Authorization
@app.route('/admin_zone') @check_digest('Admin Zone') def admin_zone(req): """Page only for *Admin Zone* realm.""" return "You are %s user" % req.user. @app.route('/user') @check_digest('User Zone', 'foo') def user_only(req): """Page only for *foo* user in *User Zone* only.""" ...
The poorwsgi.digest module can be use for managing digest file too. But you can manage PasswordMap directly with methods.
python3 -m poorwsgi.digest -c digest.passwd 'User Zone' bfu ... # see full help python3 -m poorwsgi.digest -h
Debugginglink | top
Poor WSGI have few debugging mechanism which you can to use. First, it could be good idea to set up poor_Debug variable. If this variable is set, there are full traceback on error page internal_server_error with http code 500.
Second effect of this variable is enabling special debug page on
url. On this page, you can found:
full handlers table with requests, http methods and handlers which are call to serve this requests.
http state handlers table with http state codes, http methods and handlers which are call when this http state is returned.
request headers table from your browser when you call this debug request
poor request variables, which are setting of actual instance of Poor WSGI configuration variables.
application variables which are set like a connector variables but with app_ prefix.
request environment, which is set from your wsgi server to wsgi application, so to Poor WSGI connector.
Profilinglink | top
If you want to profile your request code, you can do with profiler. Poor WSGI application object have methods to set profiling. You must only prepare runctx function, which is call before all your request. From each your request will be generate .profile dump file, which you can study.
If you want to profile all process after start your application, you can make file, which profile importing your application, which import Poor WSGI connector.
import cProfile # this import your application, which import Poor WSGI, so you can profile # first server init, which is do, when server import your application. # don't forget to import this file instead of or your # application file cProfile.runctx('from simple import *', globals(), locals(), filename="log/init.profile") # and this sets profiling of any request which is server by your # web application app.set_profile(cProfile.runctx, 'log/req')
When you use this file instead of your application file, for example, application create files in log directory. First file will be init.profile from first import by WSGI server. Other files will look like req_.profile, req_debug-info.profile etc. Second parameter of set_profile method is prefix of output file names. File name are create from url path, so each url create file.
There is nice tool to view this profile files runsnakerun. You can download it from Using that is very simple just open profile file:
$~ python log/init.profile $~ python log/req_.profile
OpenAPIlink | top
OpenAPI aka Swagger 3.0 is specification for RESTful api documentation and
request and response validation. PoorWSGI have
openapi_core wrapper in
module. You must only declare your before and after request
This wrapper is place where, openapi_core python package is use, so that is not in PoorWSGI requirements. You need to install separately:
$~ pip install openapi_core
Example code of usage:
from os import path import json import logging from openapi_core import create_spec from openapi_core.validation.request.validators import RequestValidator from openapi_core.validation.response.validators import ResponseValidator from openapi_core.schema.operations.exceptions import InvalidOperation from openapi_core.schema.servers.exceptions import InvalidServer from openapi_core.schema.paths.exceptions import InvalidPath from poorwsgi import Application from poorwsgi.response import Response, abort from poorwsgi.openapi_wrapper import OpenAPIRequest, OpenAPIResponse app = Application("OpenAPI3 Test App") request_validator = None response_validator = None with open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "openapi.json"), "r") as openapi: spec = create_spec(json.load(openapi)) request_validator = RequestValidator(spec) response_validator = ResponseValidator(spec) @app.before_response() def before_each_response(req): req.api = OpenAPIRequest(req) result = request_validator.validate(req.api) if result.errors: errors = [] for error in result.errors: if isinstance(error, (InvalidOperation, InvalidServer, InvalidPath)): logging.debug(error) return # not found errors.append(repr(error)+":"+str(error)) abort(Response(json.dumps({"error": ';'.join(errors)}), status_code=400, content_type="application/json")) @app.after_response() def after_each_response(req, res): """Check answer by OpenAPI specification.""" result = response_validator.validate( req.api or OpenAPIRequest(req), OpenAPIResponse(res)) for error in result.errors: if isinstance(error, InvalidOperation): continue logging.error("API output error: %s", str(error)) return res
Of course, you need openapi.json
file with OpenAPI specification, where you
specified your API.