
Poor WSGI for Python

Light WSGI connector with uri routing support.


Source from git

Install from PyPI

Unstable version



Poor HTTP server example

uWsgi server example

Installlink | top

Source from gitlink | top

~$ git clone git@github.com:PoorHttp/PoorWSGI.git
~$ git clone https://github.com/PoorHttp/PoorWSGI.git

~$ cd PoorWSGI
~$ pip3 install .

# if you have jinja24doc and you want to install this html documentation
~$ python3 setup.py install_doc

Install from PyPIlink | top

~$ pip3 install PoorWSGI

Unstable versionlink | top

Developing of next version is pushed to master branch, which is default. If you want to use this version, you must install it from git.

~$ git clone git@github.com:PoorHttp/PoorWSGI.git
# or
~$ git clone https://github.com/PoorHttp/PoorWSGI.git

~$ cd PoorWSGI
~$ pip3 install .

Or you can download zip file from GitHub.

~$ wget https://github.com/PoorHttp/PoorWSGI/archive/master.zip
~$ unzip master.zip
~$ cd PoorWSGI-master
~$ pip3 install .

Configurationlink | top

Poor WSGI is configured via environment variables with poor_* prefix.

Optionslink | top

poor_Debuglink | top

If poor_Debug is On, internal server error page have debug traceback and /debug-info page is activate.

poor_DocumentIndexlink | top

If poor_DocumentRoot is set and poor_DocumentIndex is On, poor WSGI can generate document index from dictionary like real http servers. Default is Off.

poor_DocumentRootlink | top

pooor_DocumentRoot is dictionary, which is accessible files from. Files are sent via FileResponse. Object returns opened file. And of course, before files is set, right Content-Type from mime-type and Content-Length headers are set.

poor_SecretKeylink | top

If you want to use PoorSession class, as self-contained cookie, it is important to set poor_SecretKey as pass phrase for hidden function, which is call from PoorSession class. Default is not set, without that, PoorSession.__init__ throw RuntimeError.

Poor HTTP server examplelink | top

Poor WSGI variables are system environment variables, which could be set in environ section in poorhttp.ini file. Only python file with application function or class must be set in predefined variable in http section:

# your main python file, where app, resp. application from wsgi module
# is imported
application = /srv/simple.py

# debug - internal server errror page with traceback, debug-info page
poor_Debug = Off
poor_DocumentRoot = /srv/public
poor_DocumentIndex = On

uWsgi server examplelink | top

uWsgi server have more choices how is configurable. Here is it's ini file, which have one uwsgi section with wsgi-file variable, where we need to set your main python file, and lots of env variables, which is use to set environment variables.

# your main python file, where app, resp. application from wsgi module
# is imported
wsgi-file = /srv/simple.py

# variables must be set without space between variable equation and value
env = poor_Debug=On
env = poor_DocumentRoot=/srv/public
env = poor_SecretKey=MyApplication@Super!Secret?Password:-)